Friday, April 10, 2015

Taking apart and setting up a pump cocker (sniper / autococker) paintball gun marker

taking apart and setting up a pump autococker. 

Facebook page now up if enough people like it I can start giveaways!

How to set up and take apart your pump autococker / sniper

Time codes:
00:45 -  Back block
01:20 - Grip frame + lug
02:10 - IVG + hammer
02:50 - Setting the lug
04:05 - Throw

 Not covered in this video: dealing with the valve, setting velocity, sweet spot regulator

New vids up!

Taking apart goblin solo and deuce plus an easter egg!

join the facebook page I'm actually making videos again:

Taking a look at how to take apart the Goblin solo and deuce. but wait...what is that inside of the deuce!?

audio quality is not as good this time because my studio flooded so I had to dub on the fly. deal with it.

special thanks to Goblin paintball for sending me these guns. visit goblin's website here:

Review of Goblin solo:

Review of Goblin Deuce:

Goblin Shell care: